Korean Cultural Association
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Korean Cultural Association (KCA), formerly known as the Korean Students Association, welcomes people of all race, gender, sexual orienation, ethnicity, and cultural backgrounds.

The MIT Korean Cultural Association exists as a non-political club to provide opportunities for members of the MIT community to explore and promote the understanding of the Korean people and culture.

To this aim, it holds many social, cultural, and informative events throughout the year, open to the entire MIT community.

We’re here to help connect everyone interested in the Korean-American culture, good food, and great friends.

Street Food Festival

The Street Food Festival is the biggest event KCA holds each year. Along with serving people a variety of delicious Korean foods and drinks, we invite other student clubs to help us introduce the Korean culture to the wider audience through performances.

Last year's Street Food Festival featured performances from Syncopasian, MIT Asian Dance Team, MIT Sport Taekwondo, as well as other individual performers had an attendance of over 150 people.

Find out more at the events page.

General Body Meetings

At regular meetings you have an opportunity to meet and hang out with other members. Our GBMs are always accompanied with delicious Korean dishes and fun activities.

Activities we have held at GBM in the past include Korean food cooking, Korean fried chicken tasting, as well as other member bonding events.

Become a KCA member!

Immerse In Culture

Looking to learn Korean language or about Korean culture? Check out the classes page to learn more.

Thinking of going to Korea over IAP or summer? Read more about MISTI Korea and learn about other programs like GTL Korea at the MISTI Korea page.